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HANSE Trading 

A global team with local knowledge

The global network of HANSE ENERGY Trading and its Brokerage House encompasses HANSE’s trading activities in every major energy market around the world. We offer a combination of expertise in physical supply and trading, innovative financial structures and world class analytics to deliver long-term value, from wellhead to end customer. We can do business in most energy commodities and markets worldwide, 17 hours a day, in various currencies.

Our teams have global market awareness and are technically savvy, building a knowledge base that is the foundation of our 24/7h services; with strategic offices across the globe we have a finger on the market pulse every hour of every day.

Over the past five years, HANSE has grown rapidly in capital and size. Since its founding 1983, HANSE has never had an unprofitable year.  HANSE has built its reputation as an aggressive and innovative trading and finance group by carefully matching its capital and commitments with disciplined and sustained growth.

Our traders perform on the global stage to create long-term value from our assets. Traders, commercial specialists and energy, risk, finance and technology experts – working as one team to maximize our assets.





Counter Trade



  • Negotiate countertrading from start to finish

  • Sell Products received on Counter Trade

  • Transport, store, inure and distribute products

  • Assess the market value of goods 

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