HANSE Accreditation
Regulatory Licensing
All formal business negotiations and its conclusion are based on KYC HANSE Assessment- and License Formalities essentially in compliance with international banking standard (Basel III + IV).
While our guests receive free price information our licensed clients receive all assistance in every respect and firm offering. The support for our brokers is based on the so-called 'HBCA HANSE Business Consultancy Agreement' protecting against all violent market activities. Our Brokers are not authorized to close any business transactions - trading requires a Trader License or both Broker and Trader jointly in 'PersonaLUnion'.
License Fees are fully deductible from any business transaction concluded during the first three months.

Product DetailsVLSD Diesel Fuel 50ppm Bulk Volume: Load Port: Malaysia or UAE No so-called "roll-over" or "extension" agreements
Product - PriceUSD$ /NET /MT **haltet****** C.F.R. Destination REPKORMP If price-level "from...to....." is indicated: Final Price fixing to be set by HANSE OIL. However, the trader may opt for a firm single price at the time of signing the FTS (liable to opt-fees).
QualityThe quality o the oil supplied hereunder shall be the quality of the oil generally beeing supplied at the time and place of loading,unless specification are prescribed elsewhere in the agreement, in which case such specifications represent the only quality characteristics which the oil isrequire to meet. All offers are usually based on client' requirements which will be reconfirmed by HANSE OIL with the FTS Firm Term Sheet, and replaced by a HANSE OIL MFS Material Fact Sheet at a later stage.
SurveillanceQuantity and Quality shall be established at load port by internationally recognizeable Inspector appointed by sellers, charges for which shall be shared equally.
Type of AgreementSpot Agreement (max 3 consecutive shipments) with 3 months, or by negotiation. No so-called 'trial' shipments, no extensions.
One-time base fee; interest-bearing account (9.65%pa)
Broker-, Trader or both jointly in PersonaLUnion
Licensing for Finance, Crude Oil + Our Suppliers
Fees deductible within the first three months
Brokerage support
HBCA HANSE Brokerage Consultancy Agreement
Hidden base-commission on all transactions
No underwritings on behalf of HANSE Group
Trader or 'PersonaLUnion' License
Crude Oil and Finance Licensing (supplementary)
License for spot and/or term agreements
Private (Open) Tender Participation and Support